Two Reasons Why the Sugar in Alcohol is Not So Sweet

Did you know there is a connection between nutrition and sleep? Did you know that consuming sugar can result in sleep disruption, particularly within 2-4 hours prior to going to bed? In a previous post (The Hidden Effects of Drinking Alcohol), I shared that when you drink alcohol you are consuming a particular sugar that […]
The Hidden Effects of Drinking Alcohol

Did you know that drinking alcohol means you are consuming a particular sugar that creates shallow sleep? Drinking alcohol decreases physiologically restorative deep sleep, represses the respiratory center of the brain, can induce apneic events, (we all have these cessations of breath throughout the night), and create the shallow stages of sleep (stages 1 and […]
How a Psychologist and Coach Can Help You Sleep Better

As a Psychologist, Healer, and Executive/Professional Coach for the last 25+ years I have transformed thousands of people’s lives to where they experience physical and emotional well-being, more sound sleep, and/or reduce their anxiety and depression, etc. I have successfully helped patients experiencing insomnia, bruxism, nightmares, trauma, claustrophobia to CPAP, and phobias in general. I […]
How Changing Your Behaviors Changes Your Sleep

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) includes changing thoughts and behaviors around health, sleep, anxiety, depression, etc. Let’s say you tell yourself “I have to sleep tonight, or I’ll have a horrible night” or “I didn’t sleep last night, I HAVE to sleep well tonight.” You’ll have more positive results if you change these negative thoughts with Positive […]
4 Common Treatments for Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorder treatments fall into a variety of categories, including: sleep hygiene psychotherapy medications (from mild over-the-counter sleep aids to powerful sleep sedatives and hypnotics holistic approaches It is not uncommon for two or more treatment approaches to be used concurrently. Let’s look at each option in more detail. Sleep Hygiene Sleep hygiene is defined […]
The Lesser-Known Impact of Sleep Disorders

In my last post, I talked about the four main categories of sleep disorders. Let’s talk about how they affect your life. Adequate rest and sleep are critical for mental and physical health, and are required to function effectively in your daily life. A well-rested brain is necessary for optimal performance in processing, retaining, and […]
The Four Types of Sleep Disorders That Make Life Challenging

“Sufficient sleep is not a luxury – it is a necessity – and should be thought of as a vital sign of good health.” ~ Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS, Director, Division of Population Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. ———- It’s not uncommon for my clients to have trouble sleeping […]
Instead of Asking “Why,” Ask this Question to Improve Your Health

Every week I tell many patients that “why” questions are not important. Instead, we are going to be working on the “hows” of eliminating, or significantly reducing your insomnia, anxiety, nightmares, depression, or the symptoms associated with your pain challenges. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a powerful group of tools to help you get control […]
How to Have a Great Day When You’ve Slept Like Crap

If you’ve had a poor night’s sleep the last thing you should say to yourself is “I’ll have a perfect or incredible day!” This unrealistic self-talk will negatively affect your mental acuity, energy, and mood. Also, it’s just not being realistic, and you’ll know it. A better choice is to use a sleep mantra. Sleep […]
Common Treatments for Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorder treatments fall into a variety of categories, including sleep hygiene, psychotherapy, medications ranging from mild over-the-counter sleep aids to powerful sleep sedatives and hypnotics, and holistic approaches. It is not uncommon for two or more treatment approaches to be used concurrently. Sleep Hygiene Sleep hygiene is defined as the various practices put into […]